[email protected]
This section also has proposed projects with details and these would be of interest to potential donors.
Operational Mechanism for OR Renovation Project
- Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting
- Definitions
- Works Committee
- Vetting Committee
- Finance Committee
- Principles and Mechanisms
- Mechanism For Purchase Of Equipment And Instruments
- Collection Of Donations For Civil Work (Other Than From NANA)
- Dedicated Bank Account To Receive Donations
- Signatories Of The Bank Account
- Process Of Fund Utilization From The Bank Account
- Proposed Projects
- Project name
- Principal’s Note About These Projects
Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting on the topic of mechanism to utilize donations for OR renovations
Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting held on 13th October, 2020 regarding the mechanism of utilization of donations received for Operation Thatre renovation. The addendum incorporates suggestions given by Prof. Dr. Rana Altaf and others after the initial document was uploaded to the website.
The process described in the addendum (last page) adds another layer of check and another verification.
Please note correction:
On page 8, “cost of shifting and development of child-care centre….” should read 1 million (10 lacs) instead of 10 million
SPO is a prestigious national organization with national and international presence .They act as link between donor and recipient organizations in disbursement of funds to ensure transparent, fair legal and documented transfer and use of money both nationally and internationally.
Works Committee
- Dr. Kaleem Ullah (Assistant Professor Thoracic Surgery – will be coordinator of this committee).
- Dr. Khalid Chishti (Assistant Professor Orthopaedic) representing Orthopaeidic (2nd floor)
- Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Sharif (Assistant Professor Neurosurgery) representing (1st floor). Dr. Rizwan is involved in construction and development of a new OR for Neurosurgery.
- Rashida Parveen (Assistant Professor Gynae) for Gynae – Labour Room Floor.
Vetting Committee
Finance Committee.
- (Rtd) Khalil Ahmad Gill Sb, Orthopaedic Surgeon.
- (Rtd) Shahid Naseem Sb, Consultant Radiology
- Ilyas Anjum Sb, Head of Anatomy Department
Mechanism for Purchase of Equipment and Instruments
- Works Committee (As end users)
- Vetting Committee (As end users and senior faculty members supervising the
- NANA – RCM (As representative of NANA)
- SPO Team (Organizing, coordinating and regulating the purchase
Collection of Donations for Civil Work (Other than from NANA)
Major bulk of civil work expense (50 – 60 million PKR) will have to be met by donations raised locally from
- Serving faculty
- Retired faculty
- Nishtarians and friends of Nishtar in Pakistan and abroad.
- Local Philanthropists
For this purpose, following mechanism has been devised.
- All civil work required has been broken down into 20 components with detailed measurements and approximate costs (please see my presentation slide available at most Nishtarian whatsapp groups as well as on Nishtar Alumni web site).
- Every effort will be made to convince donors to take up a component (out of 20 components) that suits them, complete it through their own builders / contractors / vendors etc and handover the completed component as a donated gift to Nishtar.
eg: Cost of shifting and development of child care centre to another site (abandoned private pharmacy hall in front of ward-4 entrance) is approximately 1 million PKR. One of our friends has already taken it up. So instead of giving us 1 million, empty hall, earmarked for use as child care centre, will be handed over to the said friend, who will convert it into child care centre according to our specifications and hand it over as a gift to Nishtar.
Similarly, we are hoping that many other and especially pricy components like:
- Building recovery and reception halls
- Building dirty Linen Shed
- Building stair and lift component
- Flooring of all theatre block etc.
will be taken up by various worthy donors, completed by their team (s) and handed over to Nishtar as gift.
In this way, we (that is, the team responsible for completing this project) will only have to handle a relatively small fraction of money.
But obviously, we still will have to collect a lot of donations, keep track of it, spend it judiciously and be able to account for every single rupee that we collected and spent.
Therefore, following mechanism has been developed for collection and utilization of monetary donations for this project.
Dedicated Bank account to receive donations
A dedicated bank account has been made available for this project with following details:
Bank Name:
Account Title:
Account No:
Branch No:
Meezan Bank
Nishtar Medical University – Multan (ALUMNI)
0503 – 0103 – 428399
PK81 – MEZN – 0005 – 0301 – 0342 – 8399
**There is zero starting balance in this account.
Signatories of the bank account
Process of fund utilization from the bank account
At least two of three signatories must sign the cheque for release of funds.
– Donations will be accepted ONLY in the form of bank transfer or crossed cheque.
– No cash donation will be received.
– No money for any other purpose will be deposited in this account till OR project is completed.
– This will make inflow of donations completely transparent and traceable to the source and impossible for certain amounts of donations “going missing”.
– For utilization of funds in this account,
“Works committee” will generate a demand that they want to get certain component of work done by using funds in this account.
They will present their demand to “vetting committee” explaining to them what needs doing, by whom and what cost.
Once the “Vetting committee” is satisfied, it will authorize the expense.
“Vetting committee”, on recommendation of “works committee”, can also authorize release of upto 25% of invoice cost as advance payment if they are convinced that this is necessary to close the deal. “Vetting committee” will do it by recommending it to the “finance committee” for release of recommended amount to the vendor as advance amount.
Once authorized, the “works committee” will issue the work order to the vendor / contractor for that work. When work is completed and “works committee” is satisfied, “vetting committee” will inspect the work for completion, quality and the fact that it complies with the set standards, the “vetting committee” will recommend to the “finance committee” for release of balance amount (total amount minimum the amount already given as advance) to the vendor.
Therefore, all the donation collected and utilized will be through bank transfers, crossed or named cheques with no cash transaction what so ever.
It will ensure, that the whole operation is transparent and complete money trail is present. As Dr. Dure Sabih Sb put it “The path from money in the bank to tile on the floor” will be clearly defined and available for audit.
This document about operational mechanism is being shared with all concerned on all possible groups for:
– Any critique
– Any suggestion
– Any improvements
After incorporating all workable suggestions this will be presented in Nishtar Medical University’s, academic council meeting scheduled on 13th October, 2020 (Tuesday) for approval.
I am confident that, انشاءاللہ not only this will make this project ideally transparent but will also teach and train us as a team to develop a very robust mechanism to plan and complete even larger projects on similar footings, attracting complete confidence and satisfaction of all donors.
I thank you all for you help, cooperation, confidence and especially thank you in anticipation for your input regarding this document.
May Allah be with us all in our noble intention. آمین
Iftikhar Hussain Khan Principal NIshtar Medical College Multan
Proposed Projects
Updated on 5th October 2020
This section describes projects proposed by the Administration of Nishtar as well as any group. It would be my aim to provide as much detail with itemized costs to enable anybody to select any project they might choose to complete.
Presently, outlines are being uploaded but it is my understanding that work on detailed costing of components is progressing and we will soon have this on the website.
Please keep visiting this page if these projects interest you. For more updated information write to the Principal Prof. Iftikhar Hussain, directly at [email protected] or [email protected]
Project name
Cost, status and comments
- Up-grading of A&E Department
Includes restructuring, addition of another floor and another pair of bed lifts and all the equipment and furniture for this revamped emergency block.
PC-1-Drawings and technical sanctions are complete.
2. Pharmacy Warehouse
A 4 floor purpose-built structure. Sited adjacent to Rafida hall with a designed area of about 75,400 sq feet
3. Parking Complex
Various proposals are under consideration
Estimated cost PKR. 300-500 million P
Project details are being worked out and will be presented to the Government of the Punjab this year.
4. The Operation Theatre Blocks
i. Upgrading existing blocks.
ii. Building a recovery block.
iii. Complete revamping and equipping of the Operation Theatre block to an international, safe acceptable level.
A total of 27 OTs will be made operational ensuring minimum acceptable theatre standards from traffic, dynamic, construction and equipment point of view.
- Local fund raising donor’s dinner
- Zoom presentation at this site
- Zoom presentation at NANA site
- Posted on Nishtar Alumni Web page
5. OPD Air-conditioning
- New floor
- Complete reconstruction of toilets (Most are more than 50 years old)
- Re-flooring (Marble)
- Complete Re do of Toilet suites
Details are being worked out with itemized costing and will be posted on all appropriate sites including Nishtar Alumni Web Page.
It is hoped that alumni will come forward and “adopt” the project of a ward, perhaps where they did their house-jobs.
7. Resurfacing (Marble) of
– Hospital Main Corridors
– Stairs and Ramps
– Halls and waiting areas
Principal's note about these projects
Projects 1,2 and 3 are large and cost avid projects and cannot be done in segments. Therefore, for these projects, complete reliance is being made on Government of the Punjab.
As against these, rest of the projects (4 to 7) involve lower costs and especially 6 and 7 can easily be done in multiple stages or segments, each supported by different donors.
Participants in this forum therefore, in my opinion, should consider making their valuable contribution towards one of these (4 to 7) projects.
Outline drawings (so that potential donors can understand which area we are talking about) will be posted along-with measurements and cost estimates on all appropriate sites including Nishtar Alumni Web Page.
Potential donors can choose any number of areas.
They will be given a list of potential contractors OR they can ask their own constructor / contractor to do the job.
Nishtar admin action group based in Nishtar, will:
- Provide guide lines for work (what colour and type of marble, general design pattern etc).
- Keep an eye on quality of work.
- Ensure seamless match between work in different areas of the hospital and to ensure that they match and look homogeneous even if different segments are done by different contractors at different times.